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Honest, friendly coaching for great change in your life

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Leicestershire/Buckinghamshire/online anywhere

Julie Wilson

Hypnotic Coaching

Tel: 07969 431872


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This is your chance to make great change...

If you want to:

Stop smoking

Feel more confident

Experience less anxiety

Reduce your drinking

Overcome a phobia

Feel happier

Worry less

Lose weight

Make more money

Let go of personal trauma

Give me a call or send a message:

07969 431872


About Me

I am a certified NLP Master Coach and Hypnotherapist, based in Leicestershire and Buckinghamshire.

Having trained in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) with Edge NLP over a period of 10 years, I practise as a Master Coach and Breakthrough Coach. My Hypnosis and Kinetic Shift certification was achieved through the UK Hypnosis Academy, founded by Karl Smith.

Over the years I've helped many people with a wide variety of issues, anything from being unable to get on a plane to depression and anxiety. I use a mix of interventions around a framework of powerful conversation followed by hypnosis. Sessions can be as short as 40 minutes and as long as three hours, and most issues are dealt with in a single session. Even better, there is often no requirement for 'context' as the coaching is future-focused. Digging into and discussing events from the past and reliving traumatic experiences is not a pre-requisite for making great change in your life.

I can work with you in person or via Zoom (or equivalent). It begins with a free discovery call to discuss what you would like to work on and to check for any contraindications, i.e. medical diagnoses or use of medication that may lead me to recommend a different treatment path.

Coaching is a great job. Seeing transformation in people is incredibly rewarding. I pride myself on being honest with clients - I won't work with somebody unless I feel we're right for each other - and having a warm and friendly personality. I think these are important for trust.

There is so much I could say on here about the power of coaching and hypnosis but it would take far too long! Give me a call or send me an email/Whatsapp/text/DM on Insta to find out more ...

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Fee structure

Coaching session (up to 2 hours) = £130.00

All issues explored and usually dealt with in a single session. If further sessions are required, these are priced at £70.00 per hour.

Smoking cessation = £300.00

Why so much more than coaching sessions? I'll answer that with a question: How much do you spend on cigarettes per week? Multiply that by 52 and see how much you'll be saving per year by becoming a non-smoker (a 20-a-day smoker spends around £5000 per year). Spending so much on cigarettes makes a higher investment in kicking the habit more meaningful to you.

What could you do with that money?

Even more important, how much is your health and wellbeing worth to you?

Breakthrough session - 1 day in-person, followed by 1-3 hour 'Debrief & Next Steps' session via Zoom = £1000.00

A Breakthrough day is designed to help you to clear barriers getting in the way of your success and freedom. It's intense, personal and all about you. Working with myself and another experienced coach, you will benefit from two distinct questioning styles designed to loosen your model of the world and encourage you to think differently. Along the way, we will carry out interventions with you in order to help with the 'clearing' - e.g. NLP Parts Integration, Decision Destroyer, Phobia Model or Karl Smith's Kinetic Shift and Rapid Induction Hypnosis. Limiting beliefs, decisions, fears and many other things holding you back will be stuff of the past (where they can stay!)

Group studying

Step 1: Contact me

Step 2: Book that discovery call

Step 3: Make great change

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Contact me

07969 431 872

